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Rep. Daryl Metcalfe #1 in the House for 2008
Sen. Mike Folmer #1 in Senate for 2008 Senate Ratings 2008 (SEARCH: "House Ratings" —SESSION 2008 Liberty Rating Summary) House Ratings 2008 (SEARCH "Senate Ratings"— SESSION 2008 Liberty Rating Summary)

These ratings, particularly, in the Senate, are disappointing and depressing for those who value Individual Liberty and self-expression. These ratings are only a guide. For example, some of the most important votes are votes for Caucus Leadership and six House Members are noteworthy for taking a vote that threatened their careers and which was one of the most significant votes of the last two years, the vote for Speaker of the House in January 2007. Five are, happily, still incumbents: Rep. Curt Schroder of Chester County, Rep. Kerry Benninghoff, Rep. Brad Roae, Rep. Sam Rohrer and Rep. Jim Cox. ( the sixth, David Steil, did not run for re-election .)

In the Senate, Sen. John Eichelberger is a real leader, a solid limited government, economic freedom, Personal Responsibility advocate, and his votes and his positions and his organizational skills are impressive. Sen. Mike "Citizen Mike" Folmer can be counted on to….read and follow the Constitution and this is indispensable. He is an unwavering reminder of the importance of the Rule of Law and adherence to the Supreme legal Rule, the Constitution of Pennsylvania.